IGNOU MGPS Project | MGPE 17 Project & MGPS Project Synopsis

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The Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MGPS) offered by IGNOU provides a deep understanding of Gandhian philosophy and its applications in fostering peace and social harmony. The MGPE 17 Project is a critical component of the program, allowing students to conduct research on topics related to peace, non-violence, and the relevance of Gandhian ideals in contemporary times.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide to the MGPS project, including the steps to prepare a synopsis, sample topics, report guidelines, and frequently asked questions.

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Overview of MGPE 17 Project

The MGPE 17 Project is designed to:

  • Enhance understanding of Gandhi’s principles and their practical relevance.
  • Promote research skills in areas of peace and conflict resolution.
  • Enable students to explore solutions to societal and global challenges through Gandhian ideals.

Key Components of the MGPE 17 Project

1. Project Synopsis

The synopsis is a preliminary plan of the research project and must be submitted for approval before starting the actual work.

Structure of the Synopsis:

  1. Title: A clear and concise title that reflects the project’s focus (e.g., “Gandhian Principles in Conflict Resolution: A Study of Global Peace Movements”).
  2. Introduction: Brief overview of the topic and its significance.
  3. Objectives: Specific goals the project aims to achieve.
  4. Methodology: Approach for data collection and analysis.
  5. Scope and Relevance: Explanation of the project’s importance and its contribution to the field.
  6. Timeline: A clear plan of activities and deadlines.
  7. References: List of resources used in preparing the synopsis.

2. Project Report

The project report is the culmination of your research work and includes detailed findings.

Structure of the Report:

  1. Title Page: Title, student’s details, and course information.
  2. Acknowledgment: A note of gratitude to those who supported the project.
  3. Abstract: A summary of the research.
  4. Introduction: Background, objectives, and research questions.
  5. Literature Review: Review of existing studies and their insights.
  6. Methodology: Details of research methods used.
  7. Findings: Results of the research, supported by evidence.
  8. Discussion: Interpretation of findings in the context of Gandhian philosophy.
  9. Conclusion and Recommendations: Summary of insights and suggestions for future work.
  10. References: Proper citation of all sources used.
  11. Appendices: Additional material, such as questionnaires or raw data.

Steps to Complete the MGPE 17 Project

  1. Select a Topic: Choose a subject that resonates with Gandhian studies and peace research.
  2. Write the Synopsis: Prepare and submit a synopsis for approval.
  3. Conduct Research: Gather and analyze data from primary or secondary sources.
  4. Draft the Report: Organize your findings into a structured document.
  5. Submit the Project: Ensure the project is submitted within the given timeline.

10 Sample Topics for MGPE 17 Project

  1. Relevance of Gandhi’s Non-Violence Philosophy in Resolving Modern Conflicts.
  2. The Role of Gandhi’s Principles in Environmental Sustainability.
  3. Gandhian Strategies in Peacebuilding: A Case Study of India’s Freedom Movement.
  4. Impact of Gandhian Ideals on Contemporary Social Movements.
  5. The Influence of Gandhi’s Leadership Style on Modern-Day Leaders.
  6. Application of Gandhian Philosophy in Promoting Global Harmony.
  7. Challenges in Practicing Gandhian Ethics in Political Governance.
  8. Role of Gandhian Thought in Women Empowerment and Equality.
  9. The Philosophy of Trusteeship: Its Relevance in Corporate Social Responsibility.
  10. Education for Peace: Gandhi’s Model and Its Impact on Modern Education Systems.


The MGPE 17 Project is an opportunity for students to delve deep into Gandhian philosophy and its applications in fostering peace and societal development. With a well-prepared synopsis, rigorous research, and structured documentation, students can make meaningful contributions to the field of Gandhi and Peace Studies.

Whatsapp us to Get the Personalized (Customized) IGNOU MGPS Project and Synopsis for MGPE 17 Project – +91 93112 80949

FAQs : IGNOU MGPS Project | MGPE 17 Project & MGPS Project Synopsis

Q1: What is the primary objective of the MGPE 17 Project?
The project aims to apply Gandhian principles to real-world issues and explore their relevance in contemporary peacebuilding efforts.

Q2: How should I choose my project topic?
Select a topic that aligns with your interest and contributes to the understanding of Gandhian philosophy in current contexts.

Q3: Is the project theoretical or practical?
It can be both; you may choose a theoretical study or a practical exploration involving fieldwork.

Q4: What are the word count requirements for the report?
Typically, the report should be between 8,000 and 10,000 words.

Q5: Can I use secondary data for my project?
Yes, secondary data from credible sources is acceptable, but primary data adds value to the research.

Q6: Is it mandatory to focus only on Gandhi’s philosophy?
While the project should center around Gandhian thought, you can explore its integration with modern-day issues.

Q7: How long does it take to get the synopsis approved?
The approval process usually takes 2-3 weeks.

Q8: What citation style should I use in the report?
Follow APA or MLA citation styles, as recommended in the guidelines.

Q9: Can I submit my project online?
Check with your regional center, as submission guidelines vary.

Q10: What happens if the project is rejected?
You will need to revise it based on feedback and resubmit for evaluation.

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