IGNOU PGDFCS Project | MFCI 5 Project & PGDFCS Project Synopsis

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The Post Graduate Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies (PGDFCS) offered by IGNOU is designed to delve into the richness of folklore, cultural heritage, and traditional practices. A significant element of this program is the MFCI 5 Project, which enables students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world research in the field of folklore and cultural studies. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to help students prepare their project and synopsis effectively, with sample topics and FAQs.

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Overview of the PGDFCS Program

Program Objectives

  1. Understand the significance of folklore and culture in shaping societies.
  2. Analyze cultural heritage through the lens of folklore studies.
  3. Develop research skills to document and preserve folklore traditions.

Role of the MFCI 5 Project

The project allows students to:

  • Conduct field-based research in folklore and cultural studies.
  • Document traditional practices and cultural expressions.
  • Contribute to preserving and promoting cultural heritage.

How to Prepare the PGDFCS MFCI 5 Project

1. Choosing the Right Topic

Select a topic that highlights specific aspects of folklore or cultural traditions relevant to your interest or regional context.

2. Writing the Project Synopsis

The synopsis serves as the blueprint for your research. It should include:

  • Title: A concise and descriptive title.
  • Introduction: Explain the significance of the folklore or cultural aspect you intend to study.
  • Objectives: Clearly define the purpose of your research.
  • Research Questions: Frame key questions your study will address.
  • Methodology: Outline how you will collect and analyze data (e.g., interviews, observations).
  • Scope and Limitations: Specify the boundaries and challenges of your study.
  • Expected Outcomes: State the contributions of your research to the field of folklore studies.
  • References: List preliminary resources and references.

3. Conducting the Research

Engage in activities like:

  • Field visits to document folklore practices.
  • Interviews with local communities, elders, or cultural practitioners.
  • Analysis of historical records, literature, or oral traditions.

4. Drafting the Project Report

Your report should follow this structure:

  1. Title Page: Include the project title, student name, enrollment number, and course code.
  2. Acknowledgment: Acknowledge guidance and support received.
  3. Abstract: Provide a 200–300-word summary of the project.
  4. Introduction: Highlight the significance of the folklore or cultural study.
  5. Literature Review: Discuss previous studies related to your topic.
  6. Methodology: Describe your research design and tools.
  7. Findings and Analysis: Present and interpret the data.
  8. Conclusion and Recommendations: Summarize findings and suggest preservation strategies.
  9. References: Provide a comprehensive list of sources.
  10. Annexures: Include supplementary materials like photographs or transcripts.

Sample Topics for PGDFCS MFCI 5 Project

  1. Traditional Folk Songs and Their Socio-Cultural Significance.
  2. The Role of Folklore in Community Identity: A Case Study.
  3. Documenting Oral Narratives of Indigenous Tribes.
  4. Preservation of Traditional Handicrafts in Rural India.
  5. The Evolution of Folk Dance Forms in Urban Spaces.
  6. Festivals and Rituals: Exploring their Folklore Roots.
  7. Folk Medicine Practices in Tribal Communities.
  8. Role of Storytelling in Preserving Regional Myths and Legends.
  9. Symbolism in Traditional Wedding Customs.
  10. Analyzing the Impact of Modernity on Traditional Folk Practices.


The PGDFCS MFCI 5 Project is an excellent opportunity to explore, document, and analyze the rich traditions of folklore and culture. By selecting a meaningful topic, preparing a detailed synopsis, and conducting rigorous research, you can make significant contributions to the field.

Whatsapp us to Get the Personalized (Customized) IGNOU PGDFCS Project and Synopsis for MFCI 5 Project – +91 93112 80949

FAQs : IGNOU PGDFCS Project | MFCI 5 Project & PGDFCS Project Synopsis

Q1: What is the main objective of the PGDFCS project?

The project aims to provide students with practical exposure to research in folklore and cultural studies, emphasizing documentation and preservation.

Q2: How do I select a topic for my project?

Choose a topic that aligns with your interests and highlights unique aspects of folklore or culture in a specific region.

Q3: What are the key components of a synopsis?

A synopsis should include the title, introduction, objectives, research questions, methodology, scope, expected outcomes, and references.

Q4: Can I focus on an international folklore tradition?

Yes, international topics are permissible, provided you have access to the necessary data and resources.

Q5: How long should the project report be?

Typically, the report should range from 50 to 100 pages, depending on the depth of research.

Q6: What methods can I use to collect data?

Data can be collected through interviews, observations, field surveys, and secondary sources like books and journals.

Q7: Are visuals like photos or sketches mandatory in the report?

While not mandatory, visuals can significantly enhance the report’s quality and presentation.

Q8: Can I conduct a comparative study?

Yes, comparing folklore or cultural practices across regions can offer valuable insights.

Q9: What referencing style should I use for the project?

Follow the referencing guidelines provided by IGNOU or use standard academic formats like APA or MLA.

Q10: Where do I submit the completed project?

Submit the project at your IGNOU regional center or via the online submission portal.

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